# Configuration variables

# Detailed explanation of configuration options

The following tables explain the variables used to configure your installation.

For a basic, simple installation, you need to configure only the mandatory variables.

# URLs

Please use different URLs that are not already present in your /etc/hosts file to avoid conflicts.

Variable Importance Explanation Example value
CORE_URL Mandatory the URL dedicated to the Core of Cytomine localhost-core
IMS_URL's Mandatory the URL(s) dedicated to one or more image server localhost-ims
UPLOAD_URL Mandatory the URL for image upload localhost-upload
IIP_OFF_URL Advanced the URL of IIP server localhost-iip-base
IIP_CYTO_URL Advanced the URL of Cytomine custom IIP server localhost-iip-cyto

# Storage Paths

You have to choose existing paths on an available filesystem where image files will be stored. Please note you have to specify paths without a "/" at the end (e.g. "/data", not "/data/").

Variable Importance Explanation Example value
IMS_STORAGE Mandatory A pre-existing filesystem path to store images (without ending /) /data (but not /data/)
IMS_BUFFER_PATH Mandatory A pre-existing filesystem path to IMS buffer (without ending /) /data/buffer (but not /data/buffer/)
ALGO_PATH Mandatory A pre-existing filesystem path to store Cytomine software (without ending /) /data/algo

# Email

Variable Importance Explanation
SENDER_EMAIL Optional to test the app, mandatory otherwise email params of the sending account
SENDER_EMAIL_PASS Optional to test the app, mandatory otherwise email params of the sending account
SENDER_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT Optional to test the app, mandatory otherwise email params of the sending account
SENDER_EMAIL_SMTP_HOST Optional to test the app, mandatory otherwise email params of the sending account
RECEIVER_EMAIL If backup email address of the backup reports receiver

# Other advanced configuration

Variable Explanation
NB_IIP_PROCESS Number of simultaneous IIP processes
BIOFORMAT_ENABLED Enable the bioformat convertor to support more formats (VSI, OME-TIFF,...)
Last Updated: 10/15/2021, 2:00:35 PM